Lisa Much
Join In Program Manager
Leadership Ohio

Lisa Much was Leadership Ohio's first Program Director and now serves as the Join In Program Manager. She specializes in nonprofit events, grant writing, and fund development. Her nonprofit background is predominantly in community development, having worked for Ohio CDC Association (OCDCA) for nine years, starting as an AmeriCorps VISTA. At OCDCA, she oversaw the operations of the annual three-day conference, helped develop and implement new statewide training and technical assistance programming, and assisted in advocacy and communication efforts for several housing and community economic development policy priorities at the state and federal levels. Before OCDCA, she worked as a theatrical stage manager for theaters throughout Chicago and Columbus. Much currently serves on the Ohio Women in Government (OWIG) steering committee and has previously served on the boards of the National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations (NACEDA) and the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) of Central Ohio. She has a BA in Theater Management from Green Mountain College and a Master's in Public Policy and Management from the John Glenn College at The Ohio State University.